3 treatments left after today! Today’s treatment went just fine but was quite delayed and Jude didn’t get in until noon. I got a call this morning shortly before we were to leave for his 10:15 a.m. appointment that due to “a computer difficulty” they were running an hour behind. I thanked them for the information, but was immediately skeptical and annoyed. I figured they just gave our appointment away to the family that had requested an earlier appointment (when I wouldn’t voluntarily give up the earlier slot). I soon learned from another Jill’s House resident that there really was a problem with the computer running the proton beam and that it delayed the treatment by an hour.  However, remained skeptical and I think rightly so, since Jude’s treatment was delayed by 1 hour and 45 minutes. I noticed the proton center snuck a kid who is always immediately after Jude in front of him today, probably hoping I wouldn’t notice since they could hide behind the computer difficulty. Can’t fool me since I can’t help but overanalyze everything (probably one of the side effects of being an attorney). However, I didn’t make an issue out of it (except in my own mind).  At least Jude was able to hang out with the other Jude at the proton center while waiting for treatment so I never heard a word about him being hungry/thirsty. Looking forward to the finish!