As of tomorrow, our little guy will be 7 months old. He is just the best little creature. Andy and I are absolutely crazy about him. Here is an update on the little guy.
- As of a couple weeks ago, he weighed 18 pounds (55th percentile for boys his age). He was just 4 ounces more than his cousin Ivan on the same day.
- His head is in the 95th percentile and his height at the 75th percentile.
- He is getting his 2nd tooth on the bottom.
- He loves standing (with us or something to balance against). When I try to sit him down, he’ll stiffen his legs so that he can stand instead.
- He suddenly prefers sucking a pacifier over a finger (that’s great now that he can bite us and make it hurt).
- He still hasn’t slept through the night. The last couple nights he got up 3 times. I feed him every time to get him to go back to sleep faster. I still can’t stand the thought of making him cry himself to sleep.
- He now hates the car seat.
- He likes being read to.
- He like being sung to.
Well, he always hated the car seat, especially when first putting him in. He just gets in it more often now that he goes to his grandma’s house for daycare.