Jude, the Karate Kid

For at least a year now, I’ve been wanting to get Jude started in karate.  Jude’s good friend from across the street is in karate and raves about the awesome instructor.  Last night Jude, Asher and I went to the karate school for orientation.  I was pretty impressed with everything I saw.  Jude loves Kung Fu Panda and Ninjago and going karate-like moves so I know he’s going to love it.  Jude also loves any chance to socialize with other kids and to expend some energy.  I think it will also be great for him given that we were told that after undergoing brain radiation that he wouldn’t be the “best athlete or the most coordinated person.”  I would love to prove that doctor wrong.  If Jude works hard at karate, I know he could excel at it.  I also think it would also be helpful in teaching Jude discipline.

The instructor asked Jude all excitedly why he wanted to do karate and Jude responded, “Well, my mom wants me to do karate.  I want to do kung fu.”  (Like you know the difference, Kid!  And, way to deflate the instructor!) 

Now we just have to work out the logistics of how to get Jude to karate lessons.  Apparently they are 4 days a week and he has to make it to 2 lessons a week.  I can certainly get him to the Saturday lesson and if I leave work early on Wednesdays, I can get him to the Wednesday lesson.  Andy doesn’t feel comfortable leaving the house with 3 boys in tow so he won’t take Jude during the times that are before I get home from work.  I may need to hire a driver/nanny if Jude wants to go more than twice a week, but hopefully it will all work out.