Another iPad

I’ll be honest, when Andy first approached me about a desired toy — his first iPad — I probably thought (or maybe even said) “here we go again…when will this guy ever be satisfied with what he has…but, whatever, he can have it if it will make him happy.” I would have never guessed that an iPad would turn out to be so cool. It was so cool, that we almost immediately contemplated buying another so that Jude and Levi could use it for education (since the iPad is more like an appendage to Andy (like a 3rd arm)) and rarely leaves his side. We instead opted for an Android tablet, which is also cool and has totally different apps/marketplaces for apps, but never was as user-friendly as the iPad or as coveted by the boys. So, when Andy saw that a Twitter friend of his was selling his used iPad 2, he called me up at work to ask for my opinion. I agreed (and this time without any eye rolls). The boys’ new iPad arrived today. It will be so great not to have to have the boys sobbing that their Daddy won’t share the iPad enough. Now I’ll just have to deal with the inevitable battle between the 3 boys who all love their iPad screen time.