Update on Baby

Baby is doing good and scheduled to come out in 50 some days.  I had to stop by the Practice Group Managing Partner’s office to let him know my plans for leave.  I walked in there decked out in standard maternity garb and just assumed, since I’ve not made myself a stranger around the office these past 31 weeks, that he just knew the news.  It wasn’t until I was 10 minutes into chatting with him that he finally admitted that he had no clue I was pregnant.  I spent the next day feeling really good about myself, especially when coupled with another comment from someone at work that this must be my first since I was too young to have other children.  Then another colleague heard that crazy story about the guy who had no clue I was pregnant and said, “Did he think you had swallowed a watermelon?”  That brought me down to earth in no time.