Yesterday we went hiking on the Lost Gold Mine trail in the Superstition Mountain range near Mesa, Arizona.  Asher was determined to find gold so he could sell it and buy Bey Blades.  But, on our way out, Asher was way ahead.  He was so far ahead that he got off the trail and Andy (who was ahead of me ) passed him.  Andy realized he couldn’t find Asher and started calling out for him.  It turns out that Jude, Abby and I (who were in the rear) had also passed Asher.  We called out for him and heard his voice.  I let Jude run to his rescue and usher Asher back to the trail.  Asher was somewhat traumatized about getting lost for that minute or two and  told us that he said he was planning to find gold so that he could pay people to help him find his parents.