Valentine’s Day Follow-Up

My only Valentine’s Day surprise for Andy was heart-shaped balloons with cute messages printed on them that I placed around the house for him to see when he got home from work.

Andy, on the other hand, had lots of surprises for me. He got me Wonder Woman Season 1 on DVD (I liked it lots as a girl and I hope I still do), a t-shirt, lots of candy and he wrote and framed the poem below for me. I love his poems. They are so sweet and sincere.

Happy Valentine’s Day
to my beautiful wife
who has done so much
to brighten my life

I love you so dearly
from the bottom of my heart
it’s so great to know our marriage
is only at its start

You’ve given up so much
from your checkbook to your name
and you’ve also encouraged me
through all my blog-related fame

So on this day of roses,
chocolates, poems, and kisses
I want you to know you’re the one
when I’m gone my heart misses

You’re also the one
I cherish and adore
and every Valentine’s Day
I’ll love you so much more

Happy Valentine’s Day 2005!