Jude will be 4 weeks old on Monday. He is a good little baby.
What he likes:
1. To be held. He will fall asleep in my arms (even if I’m running around the house) and then often wake up screaming if I dare to lay him down. Andy and I try every night to get Jude to sleep on his own either in the bassinette at the end of our bed or in his crib across the hall. So far, we have not succeeded in getting Jude to sleep more than an hour in either of those locations. To get sleep at night, I have been sleeping with Jude in a twin bed in his room. By the time I go back to work, we’ll have to break this habit.
2. Eating. Jude eats very often. He can be a lazy eater though. Just when I think he’s done because he has dozed off, he informs me with screaming that he wasn’t done yet.
3. His daddy. Jude is crazy about Andy. Jude lights up and smiles when Andy is holding him and talking to him. I’m not jealous (at least not yet).
4. His car seat. Jude tends to fall right asleep and to stay asleep while he’s in the car seat.
5. Lights. He has loved gazing at them ever since we took him on strolls through the hospital hallways.
6. Being lifted high in the air
7. Being swaddled
What he doesn’t like:
1. Diaper changes
2. Baths
3. Changes of clothing
4. Tummy time
His tricks:
1. Jude was only 2-1/2 weeks old when he first rolled over. I hardly would have believed it if it hadn’t happened a second time. The second time was at 3 something in the morning. I had just finished feeding and burping Jude and laid him down on his back on the floor of his room so I could run across the hall to use the bathroom. I came back a minute or two later and he was on his stomach.
2. Last Sunday he found his thumb and began sucking it.
3. Smiling (although it’s hard to know if it is intentional).