Jude was talking to Grandma Forbes after HE crashed the computer and complaining that I couldn’t fix it and said, “My mom is no techie at all; she barely knows how to run the microwave.”
Category Archives: General
Happy 5th Birthday, Levi!
Our middle baby just turned 5 today. Levi is such a sweet, loving, adorable little boy. He is a wonderful son and a great brother.
Levi’s Quote of the Day
“One of our lady bugs is a baby. It only has 2 dots.”
Jude’s Quote of the Day
“I’m so mad at you because you told me to put one of the lady bugs outside and dad said it would freeze out there.”
Asher’s Quote of the Day
“I need some new shoes because these shoes are slow and Levi keeps beating me with his shoes.”
Jude’s Quote of the Day
To me at bedtime, “Why did you take your make-up off? You could have totally worn that tomorrow.”
Jude’s Quote of the Day
After working with Jude on his spelling words and multiplication facts tonight, Jude yelled out, “Stop! Stop! Don’t do anything! You’re ruining my life!”
Negotiating with Jude
Jude hasn’t practice his ukelele all week. I wanted him to practice for about 15 minutes. I knew he would talk me down so I started high. I told him I wanted him to practice ukelele for 30 minutes. He said, “Let’s make a compromise. You want me to practice for 30 minutes. I want …
Asher’s Other Quote of the Day
“Mommy, I love you so much I don’t want you to die. That’s going to be my quote of the day. Write that down on the computer.”
Asher’s Quote of the Day
“You make good tacos. Mommy, can you write that down, that’s going to be my quote of the day.”