Jude’s Quote of the Day

Jude to me after I surprised him by making him biscuits (which he loves): “Sometimes I think you’re really annoying, but it’s only because I’m mad at you.  But, most of the time, you are way more awesome than annoying.”

Jude’s Quote of the Day

We were looking at a shirt I really liked at Sam’s Club that was only available in large.  I told Jude that it would be too big for me.  He really liked it and said, “That’s okay.  You’ll grow into it someday.”  (Ha!  I hope he’s wrong about that!)

Asher’s Quote of the Day

Asher to me:  “Aunt Jessica, can you….” Me to Asher: “I’m ‘Mommy’ to you, kid.” Asher to me:  “No.  You’re my Aunt Jessica.” (We have the boys’ cousins staying with us for the weekend.)