Jude will never admit to being tired. But, if he asks to snuggle with me, it’s a dead give away. Last night he told me, “We’re not going to go to bed, since it’s only 10:29 [p.m.], we’re just going to snuggle.” Sure enough, I snuggled him right to sleep.
Category Archives: General
Jude’s Quote of the Day
“I like lemons because they make the best lemonade.”
Notable Quotable from My Mom
I grabbed a sheet of paper from a legal pad that I hadn’t used for 5 months. I found a quote I had scribbled down that my mom said that had really got me laughing. She told me several months ago when she heard I had been using socks only on my treadmill desk for …
Asher’s Quote of the Day
“I can’t find my butters! [meaning brothers]” (I just love it when the boys get along like best friends.)
What Jude Did this Week
Jude wrote a list of what he did this week: BuilD some of my sNowfoart. StAy HoMe. PlAy. Go to Kraty.
Cleaning Cure Failed
With a husband and kids who do not pick up after themselves, I feel like I spend half my life cleaning. Â I figured that maybe I could make myself feel better about our disasterous house if I watched an episode of Hoarding: Buried Alive. Â Nope. Â Didn’t work. Â In fact, it had the opposite of the …
Jude’s Pet Wish List
After I brought Jude and Levi to Petco for a free trip to the zoo, Jude wrote a wish list that he appropriately named “Judes WiSH LiSt”: A ginney PiG A parret A LizarD Some FiSH. Â 11 TO 20 Some turtles 1 to 2
Fly and Die
This weekend while I was putting away baskets of laundry, the boys decided to try out a sport they believe they invented — sliding down the stairs in a laundry basket into a pile of pillows. I can hardly stand to watch, but saw enough to immediately insist that they put on bike helmets or …
Jude’ s Quote of the Day
“Mom, why do you sound so stressed out?” (What a kid! Let’s face it, I’m always stressed out, but it’s pretty impressive that he’s able to call me on it.)
9 Years Ago Today
Andy and I got married. We have 3 beautiful boys to show for it. So thankful for the joy they bring me everyday.