Some children dream about seeing their name in lights. Levi apparently dreamed of seeing his name in noodles. He was helping me make spaghetti and the next thing I knew, he had spelled his name in noodles. Jude couldn’t resist photobombing Levi showing off his creation.
Category Archives: General
Asher’s Quote of the Day
“Happy Christmas!”
Jude’s Quote of the Day
So, we were crazy tonight and went to the last day of the last Holidazzle parade ever in downtown Minneapolis. Right before the parade, we made a bathroom break at Target. I took Levi and Asher into the Women’s room and Andy took Jude into the Men’s room. The lines were out the door. But, …
Jude’s Quote of the Day
To me right after he woke up this morning: “You’re better than candy — a lot better. If I didn’t have a mom, I’d be like Adam and Eve and bored.”
Asher’s Quote of the Day
After I told him he couldn’t have a certain candy because it was a choking hazard he told me, “I really want choking hazard.”
Flight to the North Pole
The boys and I headed to the airport tonight to supposedly go on a flight to the North Pole to supposedly visit Santa Claus.  Make-A-Wish and Sun Country arranged the event. It was a disaster, from my perspective. First, after we went through security, but before we got on the plane, the boys and I went to the bathroom. It …
Jude’s Most Embarrassing Quote of the Day
Jude, who is 6 and thinks boogers are tasty said, “Why does your body always pack a snack?” Yuck!
Bible Boy
Jude said to me tonight, “I think there is a bible verse about food. I think, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. But, that’s not true in our country.” He’s right on. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work …
Jude’s Other Quote of the Day
With respect to buying stuff, Jude articulated his theory to me this way, “Just collect them; don’t reject them.”
Levi’s Wish List
Levi asked me to help him write his wish list. He it goes: 1. Transformers 2. The moon (meaning the Earth’s moon up in the sky)