“Mom, I’m 6. You know you’re going to be a grandma soon.”
Category Archives: General
Asher’s Quote of the Day
Asher saw a picture of earth on TV and yelled out, “Earth! Earth! We live on that planet!”
Levi’s Quote of the Day
Levi, who wants to be an astronaut, told me this morning, “Mommy, the sun is made out of hot gases.”
Our Bad Little Good Boy
Our 2 year old, Asher, is trouble. He doesn’t listen. He bullies his brothers. And, his latest trick is to drag a chair or a ride-on car over to the counter, climb on the counter and get into the steak knives. To our horror, he recently stabbed a tomato with a knife he had grabbed. …
Asher’s Quote of the Day
Asher, who is 2 years and 2 months old and who still wears diapers told me this morning, “I want to watch a show while pooping in my pants.” Sure thing, he refused to try the potty and indeed pooped in his pants shortly after making that statement.
Levi’s Quote of the Year
Little Levi says something uniquely his own. He likes to ask questions, and follows them up with a “yes or no” to really force the responder to get to the point. For example, “Is Grandma coming over today? Yes or no.”
Chore Chart Continued
Today I found the 3rd of 3 lists Andy kept of the chores he did during the day while I was at work. I’m not sure why he stopped keeping track after 3 times, because I’m more curious about what he did on all the unrecorded days. For the record, here it is: Made beds …
Biker Boy
We were watching home videos the other day and we watched an adorable video of Jude learning to ride a pedal bike without training wheels. After it was done, I had to watch it again to catch the date on the video.  It was October 2010, meaning Jude was 3-1/2 when he began riding a pedal bike without …
Last Day of Soccer
Today was Jude’s last day of soccer on his combined boy/girl team of 5 to 7 year olds. Jude’s team hasn’t won a game and it’s not from his lack of trying. He likes to blame the girls that he doesn’t think are aggressive enough. Today, he was bound and determined to win and was …
Cleaning Competition
Tonight I challenged the boys to a cleaning competition. The one boy that did the best job cleaning up the toys in the playroom would win a prize. Jude was doing a great job, but then seemed concerned about what the prize might be. I was running around cleaning up the house and he yelled …