Jude’s pretty excited that he earned his double green striped belt in karate. He recently also started sparring, which he really enjoys. The highlight of his sparring matches so far has been the time he kicked a red belt down. On our way out of karate one day, he yelled to Ava, the red belt …
Category Archives: General
An Almost 2 Year Old
Asher has proclaimed he was 2 ever since he could talk, which has been for over a year. Given that he’s so advanced physically and verbally, his exaggeration has been almost believable. In less than a week, however, he will finally be right. Next Saturday, Asher will celebrate his 2nd birthday. Asher is such an …
Levi’s Burning Questions of the Day
1. Do boys grow up to be girls when they are older? 2. Where are the apples in the pineapple?
The Boys’ First Track Meet
Well, the boys aren’t as fast as I thought they were. I registered them for a track meet in Minneapolis today. I learned Jude and Levi are both better at longer distance running and that Levi likes to run the whole race while looking behind him. I learned that Asher will quit a race if …
Elephant Mosquitos
I was telling Jude this morning how much I dislike mosquitos. He told me, “You know why I’m happy there are mosquitos? Because if an elephant sucked up blood, they would suck up a lot — like 2 people’s blood. At least mosquitos are small.”
A Run and a Rescue
This morning Jude and I got up early so he could run in a kids fun run for kids up to 9 years old organized by Children’s Hospitals and Clinics. The race started at 8 a.m. and it is a drive up there so Jude and I left at 6:45 a.m. We arrived in plenty of …
Dueling Dreams
As I wrote about earlier, Asher has the habit of crying out in his sleep, “Levi taking my Angry Bird!” Well, last night it was Levi who yelled out in his dream, “Asher not sharing!” Welcome to our world.
Jude’s Quote of the Day
This morning Jude found 5 of the boys’ Angry Birds that he had stashed away. Levi started screaming because he didn’t have one. I asked Jude to share with Levi and he was pretty disgusted and said, “You are sounding like a government person.” When he compares sharing to forced socialism, I’m left speechless.
Asher’s Quotes of the Night
Asher, who is not quite 2, is very chatty, even in the night. Last night, in his sleep he cried out on separate occasions, “Levi taking my Angry Bird” and “Levi taking my water.” Then at some point in the night he woke up, realized he didn’t have an Angry Bird in his hands and …
A Funny Quote from Jude’s Medical Records
I was reviewing some of Jude’s recent medical records tonight. One recent written report said, “Jude was very energetic and rocking his chair back and forth as he said it felt good to put the legs of his chair on his feet.”