“I love God more than candy.” (He said while I was reminding him of the reason we celebrate Easter. And, trust me, coming from Jude that is saying A LOT since he really loves his candy.)
Category Archives: General
What Jude Wants to Be When He Grows Up
1. A judge; 2. The President of the United States; or 3. An “army guy” He said, “I’m going to get one of those jobs probably because 3 jobs is a lot of jobs.”
Levi’s Quote of the Day
In response to me saying that he was a “nice little boy,” he said, “No. Me big!”
Jude’s Quote of the Day
Andy has a habit of stockpiling food (and other things for that matter) and we always have enough food on hand to feed a small army. After he returned from grocery shopping today, Jude commented, “Scooby Doo and Shaggy would love this house. They’d be like, “Where’s the food? There! There! There!””
Fighting Over Mommy
Last night Andy was up really late last interviewing a podcast guest from Singapore for Echo Zoe so I was in charge of getting all 3 boys to sleep. We all laid in the biggest bed we have and then the boys all fought over who would get to snuggle best with me. Jude seemed …
Jude’s 1st Trophy
This morning Jude, Levi and I went to Jude’s first karate tournament. We went in empty handed and came out a half hour later with a trophy. Jude just had to do some punches and kicks on command from a judge and won the trophy regardless of his actual performance (this will be his only …
Jude’s Quote of the Day
“God keeps making the days and we keep planning them.” Jude is very excited about our plans this weekend, which include karate practice today, following by a movie at the theater and then a karate tournament tomorrow, followed by church and ice fishing.
A God Song
Jude came to me tonight saying that he has written a “God song.” It goes like this: “In a period of ti..i..i..me…God will pick us up.” Repeat 4 times. Jude told me that the song means that if you repent of your sins and love God, someday you will die and God will take you …
Karate Kid
Jude got his gold striped belt about a week ago at karate. He was really thrilled.
An Email from Jude
Andy set Jude up with an email account that Jude very occasionally uses to send me emails at work. It is always a highlight of my day, knowing that Jude pecked out a special message to me. Today he wrote: “Hi Mom, I am good. Are you good? I love you. i know you are …