Every weekend the boys and I built what I always describe as “the best train track ever.” This time, it may actually be our best train track ever. After much agonizing and studying of the instructions, I was actually able to assemble Levi’s Blue Mountain Mystery set this morning. Usually Asher destroys it during the …
Category Archives: General
Jude’s Quote of the Day
I had found a $5 peso coin the other day that I gave to Jude. He was carrying it around all day today. When I randomly asked him “what do you think?” he responded, “I think we should go to Mexico and spend this 5 cents.”
Jude’s To Do List for Today
Levi was sick today, but that didn’t stop Jude from wanting to have a fun day. As soon as he and I got back from karate at about 9:30 a.m., Jude declared that I hadn’t done anything fun with him all day long. I asked him to write a list so we’d do everything he …
Jude’s Patriotic Belt
Tonight Jude earned the final blue tape on his white belt (along with his red and white tape). Next goal will be the gold striped belt. He’s pretty excited.
Normal Chaos
In our house, chaos is the norm. For example, last night when I was getting ready to give the boys a bath, I accidentally kneeled on Levi’s foot. While he was screaming about that and I was trying to apologize, Asher bopped a balloon into the still empty bathtub and then dove in head first …
A Slip and Fall and a 911 Call
Today was another crazy day in the Olson house. Â I had the day off for Martin Luther King Day so we had planned to use our free tickets to Water Park of America. Â We arrived there and realized that every other kid with the day off from school also had our same great idea. Â We …
Today we went to a HopeKids powerlifting event. I’ve always enjoyed weightlifting and did it off and on throughout college and law school, but now carrying around 3 boys is my only weight training and this was the first powerlifting event we’ve ever attended. The boys enjoyed the show because they were great about inviting all the …
Jude’s Other Quote of the Day
After I threatened the boys that if they didn’t brush their teeth good, their teeth would fall out, Jude said, “I don’t need teeth. I can chew food with my tongue.”
Levi’s Quote of the Day
After Levi watched me successfully pee on the potty this morning, he yelled out excitedly, “You win Skittle!”
Jude’s Quote of the Day
After karate today, Jude and I ran into the dollar store next door and bought 2 items for a dollar each. The clerk said the total was “two fifteen.” Jude said, “How much was it? Two dollars and fifteen cents? I bet the fifteen cents was tax.” The clerk was pretty impressed and wanted to …