Given Jude’s heavy focus on learning German, I find it funny when I can see the German influence in his English since he sounds like the cutest little foreigner when he does this. He just asked me for the “sun cream” (instead of the sunblock) so he could go outside and have a water gun …
Category Archives: General
Then Versus Now
I think Jude’s original brain cancer diagnosis was harder to take than the discovery of its recurrence. But, there are some harder parts about this time around. For one, the waiting game is brutal. Last time, he was diagnosed after we arrived at the hospital by ambulance on a Sunday and he just had to …
Asher: The Twisty-Tongued Boy
Asher is a little smooch. He’s such a happy boy. His little tongue is often wagging outside of his mouth, twisted to one side. It’s his way of showing he is extra happy. I’ve never seen another kid with such a waggy, twisted tongue. It’s very cute.
Levi: The 2-Year Old Techie
Levi demonstrates some pretty sophisticated computer skills for a new 2 year old. He knows his way around the iPad as good as me and moves from app to app like a pro. He really enjoys watching Cars in German on the iPad. I got him a new app last night in French that he …
Update on Functional MRI
Interesting development — a partner in my group googled functional MRIs and found that Seattle Children’s Hospital seems to be the best at fMRIs for small children, with a heavy neuropsychological component, where they coach and practice with the children prior to the fMRI. I spoke this morning with the functional MRI technician at that hospital in Seattle …
Functional MRI Frustration
I’m really frustrated that Jude rose to the occasion, and that the functional MRI nevertheless didn’t work out. I really feel that if Abbott had the proper restraints, it would have been a successful scan and they would have gathered some valuable information to make the surgery less risky and more successful. I’m looking into …
Best Charities for Children with Life-Threatening Illnesses
We had always heard about the great things Make-A-Wish does for children with life-threatening illnesses, but were not aware of all the other great charties that cater to children, such as Jude. My favorite such charity is HopeKids. We joined HopeKids a few months after Jude’s brain cancer diagnosis. HopeKids provides an ongoing calendar of …
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13 Days Until Surgery
It’s remarkable that with all of the difficult things Jude has endured at Children’s Hospital (including brain surgery, stitches in the eye lid, stitches in his ear, and a stay for pneumonia), he always looks forward to going there. So, they are doing a great job catering to kids with the play areas, toys, video …
Wondering What the Future Holds for Jude
Given that Jude is just 1 of 13 known kids across the world with the same kind of tumor in the same location as Jude’s, we really don’t have good data on what his future holds. I’m hoping he kicks this cancer and grows up to be a neurosurgeon who can reassure all the scared …
Today’s MRIs
Today was a big day. We had to be at Children’s Hospital at 7:30 a.m.  Since our boys usually sleep in past then, I decided to put them to bed in their clothes for today instead of pajamas so we could get out the door on time. My idea didn’t work out according to plan. Jude …