On a recent airplane ride, Jude dropped part of his hot dog on the ground. I was sitting with Asher on my lap so I told Jude to pick it up. Jude looked up and saw that the seat belt light was on. He said, “I don’t want to suffer” (a fancy way of saying …
Category Archives: General
The Big Brothers
Update on Jude — Jude is 4-1/2 and doing great. He learned to swim recently, but has quite a ways to go to be an independent swimmer. We’re homeschooling him and he’s doing 1st grade work.  He is in a bible memory club through church and typically memorizes one new verse a week. He loves playing …
Asher = Happiness
Asher means “happy” in Hebrew. It is an apt name for my littliest boy. Asher is the happiest baby. Jude and Levi were always good babies too, but Asher seems particularly happy, smiley and full of joy. Most of the time his big eyes are wide open and sparkling. He makes tons of sounds and …
Update on the Babies
My babies Levi and Asher are going great. Levi is 20 months old and Asher is already 2 months old. Levi is is a character. He is generally a very happy boy who prefers to always have a suckies in his mouth. He is a little guy of few words. He has been saying words …
Jude and his Bubble Gum
Yesterday Jude asked me, “Mommy, do you know why my tongue’s a hero?” I said, “No. Why?” He responded, “Because my bubble gum was going to go down my throat and my tongue saved it.”
No More Medicine!
Yesterday was a very exciting day in our house. It was the first time in almost a year that Jude didn’t have to take his 3 MLs of anti-seizure medicine twice a day. That medicine did its job, but was a pain. Jude hated how it tasted and it was a struggle to get him …
Time Saving Measures
With the addition of a 3rd kid, I’ve stumbled into some ways to save time. Since I’m doing laundry everyday, and often fold it in the mornings, I have started putting the boys in the same outfits sometimes day after day. I remember my mom telling me that when she was in the hospital for …
“You Screwed up my Order!”
Jude asked for peanut butter toast for breakfast this morning. I cut it into 4 triangles, which seems fancier to me than squares. Jude wasn’t happy. He said, “You screwed up my order! I wanted only two triangles.” He wanted me to re-do his “order.” I refused and he ate most of the piece of …
Cradle Cap Clears Up
I was shocked to learn recently that of all my boys, 4 year old Jude had cradle cap. I learned of this after he came back from having his hair cut. Jude has never liked water in his eyes and bath time has always been a struggle. It got worse after his surgery when his …
An Encounter with a Steak Knife
I’ve mentioned what a danger Levi is to himself (and also to our possessions). This morning I was feeding Asher on the couch and Levi came showing me a pacifier (suckies, as we like to call it). He had a look on his face that he was so proud of himself and I immediately thought …