I’ve mentioned what a danger Levi is to himself (and also to our possessions). This morning I was feeding Asher on the couch and Levi came showing me a pacifier (suckies, as we like to call it). He had a look on his face that he was so proud of himself and I immediately thought …
Category Archives: General
The Boys — from Easiest to Hardest
The boys really keep me busy. Asher is the easiest boy. He just eats and sleeps. Jude is the next easiest. Jude requires a lot of attention, likes to be entertained and talks constantly. Levi is the most difficult because he is constantly getting himself into danger with his impressive climbing skills. He will do …
Return of the Grunt Monster
When Levi was an infant, we called him “Grunt Monster” since he would sleep peacefully during the day and grunt all night long. Asher is also a grunt monster. He sleeps quietly during the day and likes to keep us up at night while grunting in his sleep.
More Great News regarding Jude
It seems we have spent the last 3 weeks or so at the hospital or doctor’s offices and that’s because we kind of have done so. Jude has had a lot of appointments and Asher has also had some standard appointments. One of Jude’s recent appointments was a neuropsychological evaluation, to determine if the brain …
Another Good Scan
Yesterday the 5 of us spent the day at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics. Jude had another follow-up MRI. I had been really nervous and not able the sleep the night before the scan. But, it turned out well. We were told the scan looked good. The neurosurgeon who operated on Jude will also review the …
Adjustment to 3
Andy and I were so worried about how we could possibly handle another one. But, it is going much better than I expected. Jude and Levi just love Asher and love to take turns holding him and kissing him. Asher sleeps a lot and seems really content. He never cries unless he is hungry. So …
Asher Austin Olson
On Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 9:21 a.m., we welcomed Asher Austin Olson into the world. Even though I had a c-section scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on that same date, Asher picked his own birthday. Most of the day on the 23rd, I was having cramping that I now realize was real contractions. They were …
A Truly Great Grandma
A couple weeks ago, I lost one of my favorite people in the whole world — my Grandma Proper. I’m pretty sure I haven’t processed it yet. I think that could be because I have so much else on my emotional plate dealing with the worry associated with Jude and the worry about how we’ll …
Countdown to Another Mess Maker
In no more than 8 days, we’ll welcome another mess maker to the family. Maybe the new little guy will be less high maintenance than the others, but I have my doubts. Within the last few weeks or so, Jude got into the lotion in our main bathroom and decided to decorate the 6×5 or …
I already feel guilty about the lack of attention #3 (the little guy who will be born no later than August 24th) is getting. Although we got some great 4-D pictures of him 3-1/2 months ago, they are not loaded up on this blog. And, we’ve had no countdowns on the blog like we did …