Jude jumped or fell out of the crib last night. Same circumstances as last time, except that after opening his door, he headed straight to open our door. He didn’t have to because I had heard the thud and was right there for him to run into my arms. In my defense, it was Andy’s …
Category Archives: General
The Great Escape
Jude is getting quite mobile. I transferred him to his crib at about 10 p.m. last night after he had fallen asleep in my arms. At some point in the night he cried and I went to rescue him and slept with him in the twin bed in his room. At about 3:30, he was …
He Can Walk!
Jude started walking a couple weeks ago. He was quite good at it from the start. He still sometimes crawls and walks on his knees. I’ve been so proud of Jude for walking. I’ve been telling everyone I come across about this accomplishment.
What Andy’s Up To
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Here’s what I’m up to: CAP – I’m in the process of joining the Civil Air Patrol. They’d say I’m a member already, but there are still things I need to do before I can excercise the priviledges of membership. I haven’t flown since before Jude was born …
Birthday Boy
Today is Jude’s 1st birthday. Jude is so busy these days. Yesterday I called to check in on Jude at his Grandma Olson’s house. After I had hung up after speaking with Jude, Jude pointed at the phone and said, “mama.” Yesterday was also an exciting night because Jude walked on his own without support. …
1 Year Old
Little Jude will turn 1 on April 2nd. It’s hard to believe our little guy has grown up so fast. Here is what he’s up to these days: He sometimes parrots back what we say without perfect pronunciation. He still suffers from separation anxiety. He cries often when I set him down and nearly every …
Phil & Katie’s Website
For those of you who want to look at some cute baby pictures, check out Phil and Katie’s new website at: pkreindl.com. My little nephew is darling, as you will soon see!
Jude and Rosie
I got Andy a vacuum cleaning robot for Christmas. Andy named her Rosie. Jude loves Rosie (Andy and I love her too, for that matter). Jude loves powering Rosie on by himself and he loves chasing after her and cornering her. Every time I’m giving Jude a ride in my arms past Rosie (who is …
A Reasonable Valentine’s Request
Happy Valentine’s Day! Andy and I haven’t celebrated yet. We agreed back in the day that if V-day falls in the middle of a week, we would celebrate on the following weekend. One of the benefits is that we can buy each other presents on clearance (e.g., candy and flowers). For V-day this year, Andy …
Additional Photos
We’ve posted some more photos, including the pictures from our Bahamas trip. You can view them here.