I got an absolutely hilarious email from Andy while at work today. Well, hilarious for me, but not for him. Here’s what he said:
“Today is a day you can be glad to be a working mom, not a stay-at-home one. Jude plugged the toilet this morning.  He told me it plugged, but didn’t bother to tell me it was still running. I was busy at the moment, and by the time I remembered, the entry way and mud room were flooded. Then I went out to get the shop vac and Asher decided to stroll through it all. The shop vac filter was so plugged it wouldn’t suck, and we don’t own a mop. We have a couple sticks with sponges at the ends, but no real mops. I want to go back to bed!”
Note to self — Get Andy a mop for Christmas and try to wipe off this grin before Andy sees it.