Jude the Sneak

I’ve always known Jude was sneaky, but he demonstrated it quite nicely tonight.

First, he asked me, “Is vitamin C good for you?” When I responded affirmatively, he said, “Then can I have some of this pink lemonade. It says ‘good source of vitamin C.'” I felt I couldn’t turn him down at that point and made him pink lemonade. He later admitted that he thought I wouldn’t say yes to letting him have pink lemonade since it has so much sugar in it so he wanted to point out that it was healthy since it had vitamin C. He’s got my number.

Then later in the evening he was watching some educational videos online (which I fully supported) but then switched over to a game website that I did not want him playing. I asked him to switch back to the educational site. Ten minutes later I found him playing games on the game site with the sound muted.