Jude to me this morning, “Why do you never call me my name?” (Good question Love Bug, Juder, Sweetie, Cutie Pie, Buddy, Bud, Bun Bun, Bun, Bean, Stink Bomb (when he’s being a stinker), etc.)
Jude to me this morning after I picked out his clothes for him and he was going to get dressed, “Hey Mom, you need to get out of my room. I need some privacy.” (If only he’d do the same for me.)
Jude was disappointed when he learned that today is a holiday but that it’s not the type of holiday that comes with presents. So, when I was organizing under our stairs and found a multiplication/division game for his Leapster and gave it to him as a Labor Day present he asked, “Can I trade it for something else?”
About his first shower ever tonight, “It’s fun! Like a big rainstorm!”