Music at MacPhail

We went ahead with radiation, knowing it wasn’t risk free, but not knowing exactly what the risks were. Jude is doing great, but has complained of some vision issues that we haven’t quite gotten to the bottom of and we’ve also noticed (and tests have confirmed) that his short term memory is impaired. The Ph.D. who did the memory testing on Jude both pre and post radiation suggested music therapy as a means of getting Jude’s memory back on track. I’ve done some checking and we’ll be enrolling Jude in a music therapy program at MacPhail. I’m pretty excited about it. It’s hard to know whether I was given a sales pitch or whether science would back up the assertions, but I liked what I heard and want to do everything I possibly can do to get the best outcome for Jude. That’s why I enrolled him in karate classes and that’s partially why we teach him ourselves at home instead of letting him regress to the mean. The folks at MacPhail told me that music stimulates both sides of the brain and that it can create connections in the brain that didn’t exist before, etc. It certainly won’t hurt and we were considering piano lessons for him anyway. We’ll see how it goes.